Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety and Addiction Anxiety is a prevalent mental health issue that affects individuals of all ages, genders and social backgrounds. It manifests in various ways, ranging from mild to severe symptoms. Key indicators of anxiety include excessive worry, restlessness and a sense of impending doom or danger. People with anxiety may experience physical symptoms like […]


Anxiety, a natural response to stress, plays a important role in how we navigate daily life challenges. From public speaking to major life decisions like proposing marriage, experiencing anxiety in these situations is a typical human response. However, when anxiety responses become disproportionately intense and start impacting one’s ability to function, it crosses into the […]

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety for the most part, is a normal response in potentially dangerous or stressful situations. The automatic fight-or-flight mode in the brain is triggered when circumstances arise that are perceived as threatening. A healthy amount of anxiety is necessary as this helps people stay alert and spurs action. But when anxiety becomes a constant and […]

Coping with Drug Addiction and Anxiety

Did you know that if you’re addicted the brain sends a signal very similar to the one it would send if you were starving? And they say that people with a drug addiction have no will power?! You try working in a restaurant being severely malnourished, actually starving and not being allowed to eat any […]

Workplace Addiction Treatment

Investing in the mental wellbeing of your employees has far-reaching benefits for both the individual and your company. When staff feel supported, they are more likely to remain in their roles, contributing to a reduction in absenteeism, a decrease in sick leave, and lowered staff turnover. This, in turn, translates to financial savings for your […]

Rehab UK

Around 22% of school children between 11 and 15 were reported to having ever taken drugs and 51% to having drunk alcohol in the UK in 2009 according to the National Centre for Social Research and the National Foundation for Educational Research. These results show the need for rehab centre’s in the UK. Rehab centre’s […]

Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol is commonly used in Western societies and is associated with fine dining, sports events, relaxation and social activities. For the vast majority of people who consume alcohol it has no adverse consequences and creates no problems. Unfortunately some people develop dependence and alcoholism. Such people experience serious consequences as a result of their drinking. […]

Effects of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is understood as the disease of being addicted to alcohol. It is similar to other substance addictions as it creates high risks for chronic abusers. Although prolonged abstinence will allow part of the damage caused by excessive drinking to heal, some damage is irreversible. Alcohol rehabilitation is an important area of concern for us […]

Drug Rehab: Prescription Pill Abuse

When the word ‘addict’ is mentioned people often revert to a stereotypical picture of a dishevelled heroin addict sleeping on a park bench. Nothing could be futher from the truth – people from all walks of life get addicted to chemicals. A great many people are addicted to pills that they obtain on prescription. Many […]

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